Bend It Like Beckham (After Your Knee Replacement): 3 Ways to Improve Knee Flexion

These are just helpful additions to whatever you are already doing at physical therapy.. There are many other exercises you can do to improve your knee bend. Your physical therapist can create a personalized program based on your specific needs and progress. All of your exercises should be discussed with your medical team. 

Be patient with yourself. Recovery takes time, and there will be good days and bad days. But with consistent effort and these simple exercises, you'll be well on your way to achieving that glorious knee bend and getting back to the life you love!

An Insider's Handbook: Smooth Sailing through Knee Replacement Surgery Day

An Insider's Handbook: Smooth Sailing through Knee Replacement Surgery Day
Prepare for the Ride Home: Bring along items to make your ride home more comfortable. Consider pillows to prop up your knee, a thick book (I used my grandma’s cookbook) to rest your foot, and a small blanket if you're wearing shorts...

The Ultimate Decision: Knee Replacement

The Ultimate Decision: Knee Replacement
As I watched my future husband walk down the embankment, with my Mom, toward the water, I made up my mind. It was time.  Come, hell or high water, I would get this knee of mine fixed!