Believe in Your Faith Skills and Never Stop Improving!

Sunday is, by far, my favorite day of the week!

As I was reflecting on this, I walked down a path littered with the most amazing childhood memories. 

They all involved an elaborate breakfast (complete with donuts) and they all started with church.

Every Sunday, first thing, we would get dressed in our best and rush to church. I was always in some sort of frilly dress and tights with little Mary Jane black or white shoes and those little socks with the ruffle tops. 

After church, we would head home and my parents would put out this amazing spread of food. I will always cherish the memories of eating the meals on the dinnerware we won from McDonald’s (I kid you not). 

But, it’s that church thing that sticks with me...let’s get back to that.

My family is Catholic and ALL of the family is Catholic. 

Church is something we did. My Mom and Dad put us in Catholic School from 1st to 8th grade. Church was in our lives. But, I always went and, basically…..stared at people. When I got tired of that, I would pick a fight with my brother (not on purpose... at least, not always) but nonetheless, either one, or both of us would be punished (after church).  

Here is my first holy communion picture from the 2nd grade...


Can you point me out? I am the one on the right side, the far end, standing next Mrs. Mertz (the teacher in blue). 

Mom was less than thrilled with that, seemingly bored, posture. The photographer was taking fooooorevvvvvvveeeerrrr….but I digress. 

Well…. I would go on to graduate from my clique-y Catholic School in 8th grade and when we moved to AZ my freshman year, I would go to public school. But, Mom got us into teen programs at church and I ended up making my Confirmation at 16 (sacrament #4).

After high school, things get a bit gray. I went down to U of A and had 3 amazing semesters where I did little in the way of resembling school. Least of all church. I did manage to hit church at the major holidays of Easter and Christmas, then, not even those holidays got me to church any more.

Lots of outside influences challenged my belief, but it never wavered. I always knew God existed. I just didn’t think it had to be so hard or involved which sounds horrible as I type it out. But, from what I understood growing up, faith was regimented. There are rules to follow when it comes to God. You have to act a certain way and do certain things. It just pushed me further away.

What I have come to realize is that it's not faith that's regimented, it's religion. I didn't fall out of faith, I fell from my religion. 

But, it wasn't a fall at all....

It all started again with a Christmas mass or an Easter mass, because I longed for the connection. I just didn’t know how? It turns out there was a lot I didn’t know. 

For Instance, you can have faith without religion. Faith and religion are not the same. But, without religion, how do I have the relationship and build the faith? That is what occupied my mind, not always, but often enough that it bothered me.

Then, one Easter my mom gave me a book. She desperately wanted her daughter to get back to God. The book was called Jesus Calling by Sarah Young. She gave it to me and I set it down for a few years. I would learn a few things and I picked up the THE BOOK again. 

It is a daily read, as such, there is a date stamped on every page. I would pick it up every few days read the passage for that day, then put it down for a few days. Then fewer days would pass before I would read the next passage. 

There were bible verses referenced so I pulled out my Precious Moments bible and looked them up. I was intrigued. I had never heard things worded quite like this. I traded in my bible for a big girl bible and started a sort of study of the versus. 


I look at where I am now and what I do and I think back on that time. It’s been probably 7 years now since I started my faith walk. 

Every morning I start with a gratitude journal. Ok, on the good days I do that. Some days, time still gets away from me (although less and less frequently). This is literally a practice. Gratitude journaling just elevates my mood. Then I read the devotionals and look up the bible verses. I follow that by prayers and sometimes meditation. 

My faith has never been stronger, and, judging by my weakness, I have lots of room to grow.

I want you to know, you can do it too. You can have that relationship with God, that’s truly all He wants. I did it with a devotional, maybe start there. I know you will feel better when you do.

I really want you to have a gift. I have an eBook, I'd like to gift to you! It's not alot, but it's what got me started, based on the teachings of Sarah Young, founded through Jesus Himself. 

God wants to be close to you. He wants to show you His love, to have a relationship with you. It's not too late! It wasn't for me and it's certainly not for you!

Yes, I'm talking to you!

God Bless you Sister!


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