The Ultimate Decision: Knee Replacement

The Ultimate Decision: Knee Replacement
In June of 2017, Christopher (my son) was a new high school graduate. 
For his graduation, we gave him the choice of a party or a trip. So, Mexico it was!

We packed up some family members and off to Cancun we went. The weather was beautiful and the beach was so close to our property it was simply gorgeous.


Everything was just a few steps from our room which made it nice, especially since walking had become a necessary consideration in all of my travels.

You see, by this point, stairs were, simply, out of the question and even curbs were difficult to maneuver.  The mere act of walking was uncomfortable, but I could still manage. This was all with my 8th round of gel injections in that knee. Did I mention my knee was collapsed? Ok, that’s for a different blog.

One of the days after breakfast, we decided to walk down the beach and catch the sites. Again, that reoccurring thought passed through my head “what if it gives out?” it was my number one concern with walking, let alone, walking on the sand.

I wasn’t about to sit out the chance to see the sights, so off we went onto the beach. I managed really well with Chris by my side holding my hand (sometimes my arm). It was a beautiful day and a gorgeous walk. Then, the moment I knew was coming did…. he asked, ”wanna walk to the water?”  
My heart sank.
I wanted to so bad. But, then I saw it…. the little hill of sand to climb down to get to the water.
It was an embankment at the top of the sand that went down about 6 ft.  We would have to step down the embankment to get to the water. Managing to hide my disappointment, I simply suggested he take my Mom to the water instead.
At this point, at the ripe old age of 43, I had already decided I wouldn’t use stairs anymore, I would avoid curbs, avoid kneeling at all costs and would walk as little as possible. I stopped wearing heals or any shoes with a slight incline. I stopped crossing my legs and I was accustomed to getting up in the middle of the night for ibuprofen to be able to calm the pain.
But, this!?!?  
I wasn’t ready to stop walking with my favorite person.

As I watched my future husband walk down the embankment, with my Mom, toward the water, I made up my mind. It was time.  Come, hell or high water, I would get this knee of mine fixed!

I didn’t know the doctor, I didn’t know when, all I knew was that I was drawing a line in the sand. (literally).
Here I am, 3 years later (to the day), and I can’t believe it…. I was so scared, I had so many mind messes, so many mental blocks (that’s for another blog).  But, nevertheless I did it!
All because I made myself a promise on the beach in Cancun: I would never miss another “walk to the water” again!