Pick Your Wedding Date Using 3 Brilliant Steps!

Pick Your Wedding Date using these 3 Brilliant Steps!

So…you met the guy (or gal) of your dreams and he/she popped the question?!? Well, sometimes it takes a bit, but if it’s meant to be it’ll happen! For me, that question took 19 years and it was on a Tuesday. 03-19-2019 at 1:19pm. See the 19th theme? 


As I recall, we went through a 3-step process to pick our date. I really didn’t plan it that way, but that is how it worked out…in hindsight. The three steps were: day, month and year. Seems simple, right? Turns out, there are some variables to account for that I didn’t plan on until…. well, they happened.

The day we picked was kind of an easy one. Remember the 19th theme? Well, the 19th was his idea, he liked it, had ever since we got together. I never minded the 19th in the least and was actually quite fond of it. So, Step 1 came pretty easy with the day being the 19th.  It was the day of the week that I got a little hung up on.

 I wanted the wedding on a Saturday (without really knowing it). When we laid out all the 19’s in the months, we decided on a Friday, Saturday or Sunday wedding. The remaining days of the week didn’t appeal to us. As we narrowed in on the months, Friday and Sunday became less and less appealing to me. Turns out, I wanted a Saturday wedding all along and it took seeing Friday and Sundays on the calendar to highlight that.

Next was deciding on the month (Step 2).  For this, we decided to grab dates outside of significant birthdays and holidays, this actually took out a majority of the months. November is huge for birthdays for us and then the holidays. We didn’t really want winter months and April was out due to birthdays. May was out because of graduations. That left the months of June-September because October started a run for the holidays again. 


Now that we had Step 1 and 2 decided, the day and a series of months, we worked on the final Step: year and we did these earliest to latest. That produced years 2020, 2021 and 2022…hindsight? Thank God, we passed 2020! Now we went through all the eligible months and looked for the 19th that fell on a Saturday. It was actually only one: Saturday, June 19th, 2021 was born! 

With all three steps, complete, we have our date AND it is non-negotiable. Next step…. Where? 

Here’s the thing, I am planning the wedding of my dreams in a tropical location (ok, someplace by the ocean). You can read about where in another blog post called, "How I Improved My Destination Wedding. Truth is, I donno what it will look like or if I will be able to dance at my wedding, but I am planning on it. I refuse to let the current state of affairs (Covid-19) mess with my wedding. The wedding will happen on 06-19-2021, I just don’t know where for sure, but I got my guy and I got my dress (another story for another blog) and that is all that matters.



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