I’ll be honest, keeping up with my water intake isn’t always easy. We all know it’s crucial, especially when you're recovering from surgery, particularly knee replacement or just trying to feel your best. Hydration helps with recovery, reduces inflammation, and keeps your energy levels up, (You can read my blog about hydration post knee replacement HERE). But drinking enough water doesn’t have to be boring or feel like a chore. I’ve discovered some unique and fun ways to stay on top of hydration—and I’d love for you to try them out!

 Why Water Matters:

Water is essential for so many aspects of health: it supports digestion, boosts your energy, and even helps your joints recover faster post-surgery. But for many of us, getting the right amount of water each day feels like another task on our to-do list. That’s why I’m inviting you to join me next week for a Hydration Challenge—because when we do it together, we can make it fun and achievable!

My Water Hack:

Here’s the simple trick I’m using to boost my water intake: I fill my mason jar (32oz) of water. Every time I finish 32 ounces of water, I reward myself with something else, usually sparkling water. It’s a treat that keeps me motivated throughout the day! And, when I hold myself accountable I can get 80oz. before lunch!

5 Creative Ways to Drink More Water:

1. Create a Water-Drinking Playlist:
Set a playlist of your favorite songs or a motivational podcast that lasts 15-20 minutes. Finish a glass of water (32oz 😂)  by the end of the playlist! The music becomes your hydration timer, and it makes drinking water feel a lot more fun. In my case, it would be a podcast!

2. Use a Water-Tracking App with Rewards:
Try a hydration app like Plant Nanny or WaterMinder, which turn drinking water into a game. Some apps even let you grow virtual plants or earn rewards for meeting your hydration goals. It adds a fun, techy twist to an everyday task!

3. Tie Water Drinking to Existing Habits:
Habit stacking is a powerful tool to help make new habits stick. Try pairing water intake with something you’re already doing, like checking your email or brushing your teeth. 

  • For example, make it a rule to drink a glass of water every time you check social media or log into a Zoom meeting. I do this in the morning. Before coffee, I make sure I drink a glass of warm lemon water and a 32oz glass of water BEFORE I have my first cup of coffee. I stacked water BEFORE coffee which I do every morning.
4. Take Hydration Breaks During Workouts:  
 During your next workout, set mini-breaks for hydration every 5-10 minutes. This not only helps you stay hydrated but also gives your body the fuel it needs to recover faster. Plus, it makes the workout flow better! I actually do this in between heavy sets.

5. Set Up Fun Water Reminders:
 Instead of setting boring alarms, record voice memos or use apps that remind you to hydrate in a playful or motivational way. For example, you can record yourself saying, "Time to hydrate, champ!" or "Drink up, your future self will thank you!" Hearing your own voice (or a fun one) makes the reminder less of a chore and more of a pick-me-up.

Join my Hydration Challenge!  
I recently hosted a Hydration Challenge to help us stay on track with water intake but it's set up so you can begin anytime. There are daily goals, tips, and a place to hold you accountable! Hydration is key, especially if you're prepping for surgery, recovering from surgery or just want to boost your energy and health.

Want in? Click [HERE] to join the challenge and start your hydration journey with me. Let’s drink up and feel amazing together!

1 Comment

  1. Michele Hohmann  09/19/2024 05:16 PM Central
    Hi I need all the help I can get

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