Not Sleeping Post Knee Replacement? Here's why (inspired by Bug's Bunny cartoon)!

You are so tired and your leg is throbbing and all you want to do is sleep. Hopefully, you take your pain medicine and you get in your comfy spot. Next thing you know, you wake up, angrily, 47 mins after you fall asleep.  In frustration of not being able to get comfortable, you resign yourself to being awake all night surfing the inter webs. Sound familiar?


An Insider's Handbook: Smooth Sailing through Knee Replacement Surgery Day

An Insider's Handbook: Smooth Sailing through Knee Replacement Surgery Day
Prepare for the Ride Home: Bring along items to make your ride home more comfortable. Consider pillows to prop up your knee, a thick book (I used my grandma’s cookbook) to rest your foot, and a small blanket if you're wearing shorts...

Regaining Strength, and Flexibility After Total Knee Replacement? | 3 Tips to Get You Started

Regaining Strength, and Flexibility After Total Knee Replacement? | 3 Tips to Get You Started
The following are 3 tips I found really helpful when I started working out again after being released from physical therapy post total knee replacement. I started working out on Month 7. I had returned to work by

Essential Minerals Beneficial Post Total Knee Replacement

Essential Minerals Beneficial Post Total Knee Replacement
1. Calcium: Essential for bone health, proper intake promotes bone healing and skeletal integrity.
2. Magnesium: Involved in numerous enzymatic reactions, it supports energy production and muscle function, key for recovery.
3. Zinc: Critical for the immun

Poke the Pain Away – Dry Needling for Knee Replacement

Poke the Pain Away – Dry Needling for Knee Replacement
It helps to improve circulation to the injured area and relaxes the muscles’ surrounding stiffness in the joint. It also encourages the body’s natural 
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