Pain science strikes again!

First, are you post op and having pain in other places of your body (think hip and back)? How about your foot or ankle?
Well, a short story ensues….  

About 7 weeks into my knee #2 replacement, I  made and executive decision to change my physical therapy place (believe me, that’s a whole week’s of blogs in itself).

A brief backstory on pain science. 

Yes, it’s a real thing and I had no idea until I was recovering from my first knee replacement and it affected me the most, at that time.

The Cliff-notes version is, your body will subconsciously shift to avoid pain. Click Here to see the blog I wrote explaining pain science. 

Now back to the story...

Well, here we go again. my whole leg was aching, from the top of my glute to the bottom of my foot….every night. I just knew something wasn’t right!

I shopped around and looked for a second opinion via a new physical therapist. In the assessment, with the new physical therapist, they found:

1.  My gait shifted and I wasn’t walking correct on my surgical leg.
2.  I was kicking my leg out when I walked. 
3.  I also pointed my toe in which he defined as a pattern. 
4. When I walked correctly on my leg, I had acute pain in my knee on the outside and he attributed that to my IT band. IT band syndrome.
5. My hip was not strong so my knee was pulling work that it shouldn’t need to.

Plan: Strengthen glute (so hip doesn’t pull forward), practice heel to toe walking, strengthen quad and loosen muscle behind the knee.

And there you have it….all of them were corrected.

I am grateful for all I learned so I can articulate that and make sure others have a heads up which is why I share!

So, if you have post-op pain in other areas of your body not related to your knee, please get it checked! 

It may just be pain science sneaking in!


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