20 years in the Making....The Beginning!

     I started working with Chris in mid-May 2000. He was always in a seemingly good mood, had a knack for music and we were slowly becoming friends. He asked me one day how to pronounce my last name. I told him it was like Turkey with an "F". That stuck and he got a chuckle out of it. 

      It started at  a work event (I second guessed going), but decided, what the heck at the last minute. We had a great time and the one thing that has stuck with us all these years started that night: dancing. Chris invited everyone back to his house at last call. Turns out, I was the only one who showed up at his house (thank you Joe!). That was a Tuesday night.

     The next day at work, he asked me out on a date. I thought it was out of obligation and told him it would be fun and I would likely fall (I didn't want him to be surprised)! He laughed it off, little did he know what he was in for. 

    He would pick me up from my apartment on Saturday. When he showed up and I opened the door, he had his "Member's Only" jacket on and I couldn't help but smile. It brought back memories, but it was the only "dress jacket" he had and that was fine by me. 

     We went to dinner and then dancing at the Cajun House. Yes, I fell getting out of the Tahoe at the Cajun House. Yes, I warned him, it didn't stop his concern though. It's just what I did then. It was a perfect night.

     I invited him next to my graduation from ASU. He had picked Christopher up (from his Moms) and was on his way to ASU, but traffic was horrible. He saw me after and brought me a graduation gift. It was the movie A Bug's Life (I love that movie to this day). 

     We were pretty inseparable for the coming months and when we decided we were full on dating, he took me to California to meet his family - just 6 weeks later. I remember Bernie was 13 and Danny was very welcoming! His Dad, Tito was intimidating but such a sweetheart! His family was very much like my family and it was all very surreal!

     Our first Vegas trip came just a month later in February and it was on this trip I told Chris I loved him for the very first time. He took me to dinner and to go see Mystiere and it was the perfect night. We were right outside the Mirage, I stopped him and nervously uttered the words, I LOVE YOU! His response? "Thank you".

     His "I love you" came a few weeks later. But, eh, its all water under the bridge now. It was at that moment, I knew I would marry him. Just about 3 months into dating him. 

                                                                                                                        ....To Be Continued....

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