Sounds crazy, but your cells are in that cup of dice! Ok, let's beep beep back it up!
Hi! My name is Suzie Andrade and I am going to tell you why you are having problems sleeping at night!
You are so tired and your leg is throbbing and all you want to do is sleep. Hopefully, you take your pain medicine and you get in your comfy spot. Next thing you know, you wake up, angrily, 47 mins after you fall asleep. In frustration of not being able to get comfortable, you resign yourself to being awake all night surfing the inter webs. Sound familiar?
I only know because I was there too.
Night after night.
Causing me to doze off during the day and spend a great portion in the afternoon so so tired!
Well, that realization caused me to deep dive into the question "why can't I sleep at night post knee replacement"?
A pivot was born, straight out of the Yetter Getter's handbook. (Yetter Getter is a mindset hack)
We pivot instead of dwelling on WHY something isn’t happening. We begin with what am I learning here? What IS happening?
The answer I found was littered with medical jargon and "celluar" adjectives. Being of the Bugs Bunny/Warner Brother's (do I have trademark that?) era, I see things in cartoons. So, I crafted a beautiful setting built within the story of what exactly is causing you NOT to sleep after your Knee Replacement.
Let’s think about the Foremen in your body:
Your Thinking Center.
Your Heart Rate Center.
Your Metabolism Center.
All those Foremen go home at the end of the day (at rest) when you go to sleep.
Then, the night shift comes on!
The night shift puts on their hard hats and get to work. The night shift lead, Ian (inflammation), clears damaged cells and takes them to the output then sends in Reeper, affectionately named after his brutal tendencies..
Reeper is in charge of sending shocks to stimulate the repair process. Ian also oversees the other minions zooming in and around to recreate what was once there. Ian is denoted by his Red hard hat that glows throughout the space.
Jimmy (regeneration) is the cell dealer. He passes out cells that are unique and different to the road (knee joint).
These cells need formed and toned and that’s where Chalene (remodeling) comes in and does her thing! She does the most work, making sure that the new cells have strength and functionality.
These activities are all happening on the second level because on the bottom, commonly referred to as the dungeon, is where Spurt owns the night shift. Spurt is a jokester and has a blue hard heart denoting the fact that he’s in charge of the flow. All his minions are working the hardest at building bridges (blood vessel formation) as well as water ways (extracellular matrix deposition).
Spurt and his crew are the stars of the show because without their work Ian, Reeper, Jimmy and Chalene would be out of work.
Occasionally all their paths cross, (more often than not) and little fights break out (achey pain). Sometimes, weapons are used and they stab a minion by accident (shooting pain).
These fights stir your Thinking Center urgently into action. While your thinking center lights up and the foremen rush to their job sites sirens are going off while distress flags wave. Just like that.... BOOM! You are awake!
Do you see know why you can’t sleep at night?!?
Has this cleared anything up?
The process of creating these little, short, creatively-crafty literary retreats helped me understand what was happening with my knees in my own knee replacements. It helped lighten up my mood and passed the time thinking about what could be happening in my knee if it was all a cartoon.
I have more in my head and I have one previously published that I will share soon so be sure to subscribe to this blog and get that in your inbox!
I would love to have you in my community as well. Check out the I AM TITANIUM community and see if it's a good fit for you!
And, if you are looking for sleep helpers, I have compiled a list of things that helped me through my surgeries (also before and after). We get a lot of pharmaceuticals through this surgery and I didn't want more of that, so I went as natural as possible for all other issues. You can find List of SLEEP HELPERS 101 by clicking here!
Thanks for the fun explanation, though! It helps!
I enjoyed reading it..
Thank you