This surgery is a significant event that requires proper care and attention to ensure a smooth recovery process. 

One often overlooked yet essential element in this adventure is good, old-fashioned water. Hydration plays a crucial role in promoting healing after surgery, offering a range of benefits for the body's recovery. 

And, yes, I did have to force myself to drink enough water post-op! 

Here are 10 ways water can aid in the post-surgery healing process:

1.Optimal Cell Function: Water is essential for cellular activities and helps maintain optimal cell function. Adequate hydration supports the body's natural processes, ensuring cells can repair and regenerate efficiently.

2. Improved Circulation: Staying hydrated enhances blood circulation, delivering vital nutrients and oxygen to the surgical site. This increased blood flow aids in the removal of waste products, contributing to a faster healing process.

3. Reduced Swelling: We know that this surgery can lead to swelling, but proper hydration can help mitigate this. Water helps flush out excess sodium from the body, reducing fluid retention and minimizing post-surgery swelling.

4. Joint Lubrication: Adequate water intake is crucial for joint lubrication. Hydrated joints move more smoothly, facilitating rehabilitation exercises and minimizing stiffness.

5. Enhanced Medication Absorption: This post-surgery recovery plan includes medications. Water aids in the absorption of these medications, ensuring they reach their intended targets and effectively manage pain or inflammation.

6. Detoxification: Drinking water supports the body's natural detoxification processes. This is particularly important after surgery, as it helps eliminate anesthesia and other drugs from the system.

7. Maintaining Electrolyte Balance: Surgery can disrupt the body's electrolyte balance. Replenishing these essential minerals through hydration helps prevent imbalances and supports recovery.

8. Improved Digestion: Anesthesia and pain medications can affect the digestive system. Drinking water helps maintain healthy digestion, preventing issues such as constipation that can, and, most definitely does, arise post-surgery. There is no way we want that result post op!

9. Temperature Regulation: Hydration plays a vital role in regulating body temperature. Which is especially important during the recovery phase, as fever can sometimes accompany surgical procedures. This is for another blog, but I will say that fever is just a way your body deals with things. I had a low grade fever within 24 hours of my replacement.

10. Boosted Immune System: Water supports the immune system, helping the body fend off infections during the vulnerable post-surgery period. Proper hydration ensures the immune system functions optimally.

Water seems simple enough to drink, but many do not get enough. Please make sure you are drinking your water throughout this adventure. 

And if you find you are not getting the recommended amount, try putting yourself on a temporary fast from everything until you get said number of ounces in. That usually works for me! 


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