Pain Science: Your Body's Built-in Pain Prevention System
We all know the feeling of pain. It's that sharp, stabbing sensation that comes when we accidentally hit your funny bone or the dull, aching feeling that lingers after a tough workout. But, did you know that your body is actually hardwired to prevent pain? It's true! Your body has its own built-in pain prevention system, and it's called pain science.

Pain science is the study of how the nervous system processes pain signals. When you injure yourself, your body sends out pain signals in an effort to protect the injured area. These signals travel from the injury site to the brain, where they are processed and interpreted as pain.

Interestingly, your body doesn't just send out pain signals when you're injured. It also sends out pain signals when you're about to be injured. This is why you instinctively pull your hand away from a hot stove before you even have time to think about it. Your body is trying to protect you from harm, and it does so by sending out pain signals.

So, what does all this mean for you? Well, if you're considering a total knee replacement, it means that your body is already working hard to protect your knees! By understanding how pain science works, you can trust that your body is doing everything it can to keep you safe and comfortable.

If you're recovering from a total knee replacement, this can also be what is stopping you from doing things that you know once caused pain prior to replacement. I will deep dive into this in the next blog.

Your body is an amazing thing! 

Not only does it have the ability to heal itself, but it also has its own built-in pain prevention system. This system, called pain science, is responsible for sending out pain signals when you're injured or about to be injured. If you're considering a total knee replacement, rest assured that your body is already working hard to protect your knees. 

Thanks, pain science!


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